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Brief introduction to the development history of electronic components

2020-12-15 H:08:12

Brief introduction to the development history of electronic components

The development history of electronic components is actually a condensed history of electronic development. Electronic technology is a new technology that began to develop at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. It developed rapidly and was widely used in the 20th century. It has become an important symbol of the development of modern science and technology.

In 1906, the American inventor De Forest Lee invented the vacuum triode (electron tube). Electron tube is the core of electronic products. At the end of 1940's, semiconductor triode was born in the world. It was quickly applied by various countries because of its small size, light weight, power saving and long service life. It replaced electron tube in a large range.

In the late 1950s, integrated circuits appeared in the world, which integrated many electronic components such as transistors on a single silicon chip, making electronic products more miniaturized. With the rapid development of integrated circuits from small-scale integrated circuits to large-scale integrated circuits and ultra large-scale integrated circuits, electronic products are developing in the direction of high efficiency, low consumption, high precision, high stability and intelligence. As the four stages of the development of electronic computer can fully explain the characteristics of the four stages of the development of electronic technology, the following is to explain the characteristics of the four stages of the development of electronic technology from the four times of the development of electronic computer.

In the 20th century, the electronic component industry appeared and developed rapidly, which made the whole world and people's work and living habits changed dramatically. The development history of electronic components is actually the development history of electronic industry.



In 1906, the American de Forrester invented the vacuum triode to amplify the sound current of the telephone. Since then, people are looking forward to the birth of a solid-state device, which can be used as a light-weight, inexpensive and long-life amplifier and electronic switch. In 1947, the birth of point contact germanium transistor opened a new page in the history of electronic devices. However, this kind of point contact transistor has the fatal weakness of unstable contact point.

At the same time of the successful development of point contact transistor, the theory of junction transistor has been put forward, but until people can prepare ultra-high purity single crystal and control the conductivity type of crystal arbitrarily, junction crystal tube really appears. In 1950, germanium alloy transistor was born. In 1954, junction silicon transistor was born. Since then, people put forward the idea of field effect transistor. With the emergence and development of material technology such as defect free crystallization and defect control, crystal outgrowth technology and diffusion doping technology, preparation technology of voltage resistant oxide film, corrosion and photolithography technology, various kinds of electronic devices with excellent performance have appeared one after another. Electronic components have gradually entered the era of transistors and large-scale and ultra large-scale integrated circuits from the era of vacuum tubes. The semiconductor industry, as the representative of high-tech industry, is gradually formed.

Due to the needs of social development, electronic devices become more and more complex, which requires that electronic devices must have the characteristics of reliability, high speed, low power consumption, light weight, miniaturization and low cost. Since the idea of integrated circuit was put forward in the 1950s, the integrated circuit was successfully developed in the 1960s due to the progress of material technology, device technology and circuit design. In the history of semiconductor development.

The emergence of integrated circuit is of epoch-making significance: its birth and development have promoted the progress of copper core technology and computer, and made historical changes in various fields of scientific research and the structure of industrial society. By virtue of superior science and technology, the invention of integrated circuit gives researchers more advanced tools, and then produces many more advanced technologies. These advanced technologies have further promoted the emergence of higher performance and cheaper integrated circuits. For electronic devices, the smaller the volume, the higher the integration; the shorter the response time, the faster the computing speed; the higher the transmission frequency, the greater the amount of information transmitted. Semiconductor industry and semiconductor technology are known as the basis of modern industry, but also has developed into a relatively independent high-tech industry.


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